
Wesley Girls Senior High, Cape Coast


To raise God-fearing, balanced, self-assured people who can seize every chance for personal growth and contribution to humanity while also being able to handle the challenges of a world that is changing quickly.


We strive to achieve this vision with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ on whom the school is built whilst pursuing the following:
• Creating a propitious environment for the spiritual and moral development of each girl.
• Putting in place a framework in which each girl can develop to the full, talents with which she may be endowed while respecting those of others.
• Providing what it takes to attain the highest academic standard.
• Developing in each girl the capacity for quick, reasoned responses to challenges.
• Developing in the individual an awareness of her responsibilities to the community and the broader society to which she belongs.


With 25 students, the school was established in 1836 by the spouse of Harriest Wrigley, the second Methodist missionary on the Gold Coast. Her goal was to teach the girls the fundamentals of catechism and housekeeping. Writing, reading, needlework, and religious instruction were among the subjects taught. Classes were held at the Manse, which is located at the Stand fast Hall close to Cape Coast’s Victoria Park.
However, Mrs. Wrigley passed away five months after her arrival. It wasn’t until 183.7 that the school was taken over by Mrs. Elizabeth Waldron, an effective headmaster. She built a strong basis for the future Wesleyan Girls’ School and Training Home during her 43 excellent years as the school’s administrator. Strength, honesty, and integrity quickly became the defining characteristics of the school’s graduates. Because of their exceptional academic standing, the Methodist Church agreed to support girls’ access to higher education. As a result, the Secondary department was established in 1884 with 20 girls by Rev. W.M. Connell, the headmaster of Mfantsipim School at the time.
The primary and secondary levels proceeded in stops and starts, occasionally closing because of a severe lack of funds. It even experienced a brief loss of identity when it had to merge with Mfantsipim to become The Collegiate School, a coeducational secondary school.
After being reestablished by 1900, the school was led by Mrs. H. J. Ellis as its administrator. The capable direction and beneficial work of Sister Evelyn Bellamy, a deaconess who oversaw the school from 1914 until 1943, dominated the school in the early 20th century. Exactly on June 8, 1925, Dr. Kwegyir Aggrey visited the school during her tenure and wrote in the log book, “To educate a girl is to educate a family, but to educate a boy is to educate an individual.”
When Miss Olive Compton relocated the Secondary division of the school to its current location in Kabumdo in 1951, the Secondary School Section was unquestionably divided from the Primary section. Miss Compton is credited with establishing the High School formally. She had the school’s architecture created with the idea that it would be H.M.S. Excellence (A Ship).

Important School Dates

15th September: WRIGLEY’S DAY (Arrival of Rev. & Mrs. Wrigley in the Gold Coast)
3rd Sunday of November: SCHOOL HARVEST
2nd Saturday of February: SPEECH & PRIZE GIVING DAY
Last Saturday of October or first Saturday in November: INTER-HOUSE ATHLETICS
3rd Sunday of December, CAROL SERVICE
21st May: OLIVE DAY (Birthday of Miss Olive Compton)



1998: The Best Candidate in General Arts
1999: The Overall Best Candidate: The Best Candidate in General Arts
2003: The third Overall Best Candidate
2005: 2nd Overall Best Candidate: The Best Candidate in General Arts
2006: 1ST Overall Best Candidate, 2nd Overall Best Candidate, Best Candidate in Business, Best Candidate in General Science
2007: Best General Arts Candidate, 2nd Overall Best Candidate
2008: Best General Arts Candidate
National Science and Math Quiz
2008: 3rd Position
Inter-school Athletic Competitions – Zonals & Super Zonals
2006: 1st position in the zonal, 1st position in the super zonal
2007: 2nd position in the zonals, 2nd position in the super zonals
2008: 3rd position in the zonals, 3rd position in the super zonal
Inter-school Regional Games Competitions
Discipline 2006 2007 2008 2009
Basketball 1st position 1st position 1st position 1st position
Handball 1st position 4th position 3rd position 4th position
Hockey 2nd position 1st position 3rd position 3rd position
Table Tennis 4th position 1st position 1st position 1st position
Soccer 2nd position 2nd position 2nd position –



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