
How to Create an Affiliate Product Box (No Coding needed)

Do you need a WordPress affiliate product box?

A product box is a great way to draw extra attention to the affiliate products you’re promoting. It can pique the interest of your users, leading to more clicks on your affiliate links.

In this piece, we’ll teach you how to quickly and easily build a WordPress affiliate product box.

Adding a product recommendation box in WordPress for affiliates Why Add a Product Recommendation Box in WordPress?
Affiliate product boxes are used by online marketers who use WordPress to promote and sell products to their audience.

In order to encourage clicks and sales, this box often displays the product’s title, photos, description, and a call to action (CTA).

Preview of Affiliate Product Bundles
It’s a common tactic in affiliate marketing since it improves ROI (return on investment), raises awareness (ROI), and reduces overhead (TOI).

You can earn a percentage on sales made as a consequence of a blog post containing an affiliate product box.

So, let’s check out how to make a product box for an affiliate program in WordPress without having to write a single line of code.

First, use Pretty Links to make a product showcase for your affiliate links.
Second, you may use the free Block Editor to make an Affiliate Product Box.
Third, use SeedProd to make a product showcase for your affiliates’ landing pages.
First, use Pretty Links to make a product showcase for your affiliate links.
Pretty Links makes it simple to design an affiliate goods box. It’s the easiest way to set up and manage affiliate links on a WordPress site, making it the greatest affiliate marketing solution available.

The Pretty Links plugin must first be installed and activated. See our plugin installation tutorial for WordPress beginners for more information.

There is a free version of Pretty Links available. To use the Product Displays extension, however, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version.

The Pretty Links » Add-ons page will appear in the WordPress administration sidebar once the plugin has been activated.

The ‘Product Displays’ addon can be installed and activated from this page by selecting the corresponding checkbox and clicking the ‘Install Add-on’ button.

Product Displays should be activated after installation.
Once the plugin has been enabled, an affiliate link may be made by going to the Pretty Links > Add New tab.

The ‘Add Title’ area is where you should start by entering the affiliate product’s name. Your product affiliate box will feature this heading.

Then, paste the affiliate link into the ‘Target URL’ field.

Follow that by filling out the ‘Pretty Link’ field with the link’s slug. The affiliate URL is complete after this.

Enter the destination URL to generate an affiliate link.
Following that, select the ‘Product Display’ sub-tab from the menu on the left.

From the ‘Theme’ dropdown menu, you can select a design template for your product affiliate box.

Then, select the ‘Update Image’ tab and either browse your computer for the appropriate product image or select it from the WordPress media library.

Pick a topic, and then add a picture of your product.
After that, just fill out the ‘Description’ box with the details about the product.

Proceed to enter the selling price for the item in the ‘Price’ field.

Include a price and a product description.
Your product affiliate box can also feature a badge at the top. You can inform them that the item you’re marketing is now on sale, for instance.

The ‘Badge Text’ field is where you’ll enter the text for your badge.

Next, fill out the ‘Primary Button Text’ field with a call to action related to the affiliate product. In the product affiliate box, this is what the button will say.

The call to action button will now include the affiliate link we just built.

Embed a badge and call-to-action text
Fill out the ‘Review URL’ field with the address of your blog post reviewing the affiliate product. Anyone who clicks on your review will be led directly to your article.

Just enter some text in the ‘Review Button Text’ field to add a call to action to the review button.

When you’re ready, select “Update” or “Publish” from the menu bar.

Insert a Product Affiliate Box into an Article

The next step is to embed the product affiliate box into a WordPress page or post. This guide will show you how to insert an affiliate product box into a blog article.

To begin, navigate to the WordPress dashboard and either create a new post or open an existing one.

Then, open the block editor and add the PL Product Display block by clicking the plus sign next to ‘Add Block’ in the top left corner.

The next step is to select the ‘Add Display’ option.

Insert the PL Product Showcase module
There will be a ‘Product Display’ prompt that appears. The ‘Single Link’ option should now be selected from the drop-down menu.

After that, you’ll need to use the built-in search function to locate your affiliate link.

Please insert the affiliate product box
When you add the affiliate link to your post or page, the product display box will appear immediately.

To finish making changes, use the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ option.

In order to view the product affiliate box in action, please go to your website.

Preview of the Product Box
Second, you may use the free Block Editor to make an Affiliate Product Box.
In this technique, we will demonstrate how to use the block editor to quickly and efficiently generate an affiliate product box.

To begin, go to the WordPress dashboard and select either “Posts” or “Add New” from the sidebar.

To access the block menu, navigate to the page’s top left and select the Add Block ‘(+)’ button. Look for the Columns block and add it to the post.

When you do that, a menu of column customization options will appear. Choose the 50/50 option to proceed.

Type “Columns” into the block editor.
Your post will now have two parallel blocks.

The ‘+’ button on the left side of the screen will bring up a choice of available blocks.

To include an image of your affiliate product, navigate to the WordPress media library and then select the Image block.

Put a picture of your product in the image block and select it from your media library.
After that, you’ll need to add new entries by clicking the ‘+’ button in the right column.

Select the Heading block from the available options and enter the title of your product.

Type the product’s title into the heading space.
Then, on the block toolbar, select the ‘Select Column’ icon and add a new column by clicking the ‘+’ button. To access the block selection menu again, click here.

A product description can be written in the Paragraph block that can be added at this point.

Type product descriptions using the Paragraph block.
Now you need to include a call to action and your affiliate link in your product’s affiliate box.

The block editor must be closed before this can be done.

If you want your changes to persist when you return to the WordPress admin dashboard, click the “Save Draft” option.

Produce a Referral URL

If you run a WordPress site, you can use any of a number of affiliate marketing solutions to set up and manage your affiliate links.

In this guide, we’ll be utilizing Pretty Links, the top-rated affiliate marketing plugin for WordPress.

The Pretty Links plugin must first be installed and activated. See our plugin installation tutorial for WordPress beginners for more information.

The Pretty Link > Add New page will appear in the WordPress admin sidebar once the plugin has been activated.

The ‘Add Title’ section is where you should enter the product name.

The next step is to fill in the ‘Target URL’ with the affiliate product’s URL.

Add a decorative link.
The ‘Pretty Link’ field is now where you can type in a bespoke url shortener. This is what will be appended to the Pretty Links affiliate link.

When you’re ready to build your affiliate link, click the “Update” button.

The ‘Links’ page will now load for you. The affiliate link can be copied from the Pretty Links column.

Affiliation link: copy and paste
Dot the product box with affiliate links.

The next step is to revisit the post in which you included the affiliate product box.

To do this, navigate to the Columns block and click on the right column to reveal the block toolbar. From there, select the ‘Select Columns’ button. The options for blocking content will appear here.

After that, just drop in a Buttons block.

Fill out the right-hand column with a block of buttons.
In the ‘Buttons’ block’s toolbar, select the ‘Link’ icon to insert a link. Clicking this will bring up a new window where you can paste the Pretty Links affiliate link you copied before.

You can also use the on-screen search bar to look for the affiliate link.

Put on a referral link
The final step is to write some descriptive text for your call-to-action button.

Make use of a catchy call-to-action (CTA) to entice readers to click through to your site.

Put in your call-to-action text here.
Block settings also allow you to customize the look of your affiliate product box. Select the ‘Styles’ button under the Block Settings heading to accomplish this.

The Color Picker lets you customize the look of your affiliate product box by changing the text and background colors.

Pick a hue for the affiliate box that will appear on sales pages
To finish, select the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ option to apply the modifications.

On our sample site, the affiliate product box looked like this.

Preview affiliate product box
Third, use SeedProd to make a product showcase for your affiliates’ landing pages.
This strategy is ideal if you want to design a product box for affiliate landing pages that is both functional and visually appealing.

The finest WordPress page builder plugin is SeedProd, which you may utilize. You can make a website that looks great without knowing how to code.

The SeedProd plugin must first be installed and activated. Please refer to our detailed tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin for further information.

Keep in mind that there is a no-cost option for SeedProd. We’ll be using the paid version, though, because it has more options for layout.

The plugin’s license key must be entered on the SeedProd » Settings page after activation.

This data is stored in your personal SeedProd profile.

Copy and paste the license key here.
Click the ‘Add New Landing Page’ button in the SeedProd » Landing Pages sub-menu of your WordPress dashboard.

In this lesson, we’ll learn how to implement an affiliate product box onto a website’s homepage.

Select the button labeled “Add New Landing Page.”
The ‘Choose a New Page Template’ window will now load for you.

Here, you can select one of SeedProd’s ready-to-use layouts.

You’ll be prompted to enter a page name and select a URL after making a selection. Just hit “Save and Start Editing the Page” when you’re done filling out the form.

The details of your page must be entered.
When you click this, SeedProd’s intuitive website editor will load.

To add the Columns block to the right-hand design interface, click and drag it from the left sidebar.

When you create the section, you’ll be prompted to select a column arrangement. To create a pair of adjacent blocks, simply select the 50/50 option.

SeedProd’s Column Block should be added.
First, move the Image block to the left column by dragging and dropping it there.

Then, select the Image block to access its sidebar settings. Here you can choose an affiliate product’s image from the media library or upload your own by clicking the “Use Your Own Image” button.

Select an affiliate product picture from the available options.
Then, place the affiliate product’s title in the Heading block and drag it to the right column.

The options on the left sidebar let you change things like alignment and font size.

Type the product’s title into the header block.
Once you’ve done so, move the Text block below the product’s title using the drag and drop interface. You’ll have the option to include a product summary for the affiliate service you’re promoting.

When you’re finished making adjustments, click the “Save” button.

Type in your product’s description and then hit “Save.”
Putting together an affiliate link is your next step.

Produce a Referral URL

The Pretty Links plugin must first be installed and activated. Please refer to our plugin installation tutorial for WordPress beginners for more information.

After enabling, navigate to the Pretty Link » Add New section of the admin navbar.

First, enter the product’s name into the ‘Add Title’ section so that the affiliate link may be quickly located. The name of the associate company or the product itself might be entered.

When you reach to the ‘Target URL’ section, paste in your affiliate link there.

After that, go ahead and fill up the ‘Pretty Link’ field with a slug. Your affiliate link will have this slug appended to the end of it.

Put together a referral url.
When you are ready, use the “Update” button to create the link.

The ‘Links’ page will now load for you. The affiliate link can be copied from the Pretty Links column.

Affiliation link: copy and paste
SeedProd’s Product Box: Adding Affiliate Link

Open the SeedProd landing page where you’ll be creating the affiliate product box after copying the affiliate link.

When you go there, drop the Button block just underneath the item’s description.

Put the Button building block in the item box with a drag and drop.
Selecting the button brings up its blocking options in the sidebar on the left. The ‘Link’ box is where you should paste the copied affiliate link.

After that, fill up the ‘Button Text’ field with the text you’d like to appear as the CTA.

Put in the affiliate link and the call-to-action.
The affiliate product box’s settings can be accessed via the Columns block in the sidebar to the left after the block has been selected.

You can customize the look of your product box by selecting a new color for the background or uploading an image to use instead. The Columns block allows you to position and resize its columns to your preference.

SeedProd allows you to customize the background color of the affiliate product box.
Click the “Save” button after you’re through making changes.

On our sample site, the affiliate product box looked like this.

A sneak peek at the affiliate product box by SeedProd
This article should have clarified how to insert a product box for an affiliate program in WordPress. Our article on integrating an affiliate program into WooCommerce is a great place to start, and we’ve also highlighted some of the finest affiliate monitoring and administration plugins for WordPress.

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